
Máquinas automáticas de laminas de cera

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Foundation Machine Full Automatic Mini

SKU: RE700504M
Α fully-fledged machine with the following features:
- Hourly output depending on comb width up to 18 kg per hour with "Dadant" dimension (correspondingly less for narrower comb widths).
- Roller width/length 400 mm, e.g. for a line with the dimensions Deutsch- Normal, Zander or Dadant.
- Standard cell size 5,4 mm (+/- 0,05 mm). Any other cell size is available at extra cost. Should the rollers be damaged, they can be repaired at a reasonable price. No new purchase necessary!
- Wax melting tank with 70 litres capacity (without residual wax quantity) and 3 KW heating capacity, 3-walled with thermal insulation for low power consumption. No danger due to hot surface as with 2-walled tanks.
- Electronically adjustable speed for variable working speed.
- The transport roller can be adjusted separately mechanically for correct tension. This prevents the wax band from tearing or sagging!
- Electronic length adjustment of the length of the sheets with a tolerance of +/- 1 mm.
- Rigid storage table for approx. 15-20 sheets.
- An electrically operated lifting table is available as an optional extra. This allows up to 7 kg of sheets to be stacked.
- Plastic solvent tank with heat exchanger for cooling the machine with connection to cold water. If no cold water connection is available, we offer a cooling unit with approx. 3 KW cooling capacity as accessory at extra costs.
- The machine is almost completely made of stainless steel. Therefore, no rusty iron parts and no corroded aluminium parts. The machine looks like new even after twenty years!
- Very important: High safety and no risk of injury! Of course, the machine fulfils all safety requirements according to CE standard.
- After work, the machine can be folded up and moved on rollers in a few simple steps in order to take up as little space as possible. If the machine is needed, it can be set up quickly.
-Dimensions: Width: 0,69-1,3 m, length folded up: 1,6 m, length assembled: 2,1 m, height (incl. 70 l inlet tank): 1,96 m.
-A special version 25 cm lower by a smaller, 40 l inlet tank is possible without surcharge!

Estampadora automática de panal fundido

SKU: RE700508
Estampadora automática de panal fundido Produce hasta 50kg de panales listos por hora. Ustedes ponen la cera en la máquina y ella produce panales listos e impresos que están hechas como ustedes desean. Los panales se amontonan automáticamente uno sobre el otro mientras la máquina les avisa cuando el volumen de las unidades preseleccionado está listo con una señal acústica. Produce hojas de cera de 800 cúpulas/dm. Con una facturación adicional podemos ofrecerles cilindros de número de cúpulas diferente/dm. Longitud de cilindro 610mm

Unidad de imprimir, cortar y apilar

SKU: RE70102B
It works in two stages. In the first stage it creates the sheet of wax and in the second it prints hexagons of desired diameter and cuts the sheet to the desired dimensions. A beeper notifies the operator when the desired number of honeycombs has been produced. The strips are printed by the barrels with 800 cells / dm. For an additional fee we can offer barrels for printing 750, 830 or 1050 cells / dm. Barrel length: 480 or 610 mm. Dimensions of produced sheet : width 360-430-460-550 mm ; thickness 2-5 mm. The honeycomb sheets produced are resilient and can be worked with at low temperatures without breaking.

Unidad de creación de hoja

SKU: RE70102A
Estampadora automática de panal presionado Funciona en dos fases. En la primera, crea la hoja de cera y en la segunda fase la imprime con los hexágonos del diámetro deseado y la corta en las dimensiones deseadas. Cuando el número de panales deseado está producido, una señal acústica avisa al operador. Las rayas de hoja de cera se imprimen en los cilindros con 800 cúpulas/dm. Con una facturación adicional podemos ofrecerles cilindros que imprimen 750, 830 o 1050 cúpulas/dm. Longitud de cilindro: 480 o 610mm. Dimensiones de la hoja producida: Ancho: 360–430-460-550mm Espeso: 2-5mm Las hojas de panal producidas son flexibles y pueden trabajarlas en temperaturas bajas sin romperse.
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