

Codice SKU: AN51004B-2
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Dimensioni (Pacco): 53,00 x 45,00 x 16,00 cm
Dimensioni (Articolo): 4.60 x 04.60 x 01.00 cm
Peso: 1,00 g
Pezzi / Paletta: 10000
Pezzi / Pacco: 200
€0,29 IVA esclusa
€0,36 IVA inclusa
A New ANEL Product! The NEW Doors Easy Click for ANEL Bottom Boards open and close with the use of the levers on both sides with a simple CLICK while they also have special safety bolts to stay in the position you choose. They can be easily removed and repositioned, giving you the option of a large entrance to the beehive. They can be easily placed on the bottom boards and come with special edges that help them remain firmly on your bottom boards. They provide security for beehive transportation. For even greater stability and safety they can be screwed to the hive body. They are ideal for both mobile and stationary apiaries. They do not corrode or get damaged by the sun or any weather conditions. Made from high quality 100% new and virgin food grade plastic.
A New ANEL Product! The NEW Doors Easy Click for ANEL Bottom Boards open and close with the use of the levers on both sides with a simple CLICK while they also have special safety bolts to stay in the position you choose. They can be easily removed and repositioned, giving you the option of a large entrance to the beehive. They can be easily placed on the bottom boards and come with special edges that help them remain firmly on your bottom boards. They provide security for beehive transportation. For even greater stability and safety they can be screwed to the hive body. They are ideal for both mobile and stationary apiaries. They do not corrode or get damaged by the sun or any weather conditions. Made from high quality 100% new and virgin food grade plastic.
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1) Rialzano l’arnia e la portano ad un’altezza più agevole per il lavoro.
2) In aree altamente popolate da formiche ed animali striscianti, potete aggiungere nella apposita vaschetta una sostanza repellente (come per esempio il petrolio) oppure prodotti viscosi (come l’olio o il grasso). Qualsiasi bestiola provi a passare sopra al Vrahipus rimarrà intrappolata o verrà repulsa dalla sostanza. Non dovrete piu far fronte agli attacchi di piccoli coleotteri dell’alveare (Aethina tumida), formiche, lucertole, serpenti ed altri animali striscianti. Se volete usare i collettori di polline nei fondi ibridi ANEL, questi piedini vi forniranno la distanza dal suolo necessaria e, contemporaneamente, proteggeranno il polline dalle formiche.
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Consiglio: Anche se pensati per i fondi ibridi ANEL, potete facilmente avvitarli anche su fondi di arnia in legno.
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