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ANEL BeeHive ID for Use with Any Beehive



ANEL Bee ID for External Use in a Hive

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  • Offers digital identification to your cells.
  • It is built into the ANEL caps.
  • Can be purchased individually and used for your old hives as well.
  1. Remove the sticker on the back,
  2. Gather it in whatever part of the hive serves you,
  3. Fix it with a screw in the center.

Go to the website and register now:

€2.50 excl tax
€3.10 incl tax

Electric Heated Vaporiser/Smoker ANEL With 7.4V 6000mAh Battery And Fireproof Bag (for use with VAPOR PADS)


One device for 3 uses:
1. Vapor
2. Hybrid vapor with the smell of burning wood
3. Conventional smoke
applied to the bees during the beekeepers' visits to the apiary.

The device is designed to work:

1) As a vaporizer combined with the Vapor Pads (VP) ref. AN1040VAP Vapor Producing Material that produces vapor with the common method of heating vaporizing materials.

2) As a hybrid vaporizer combined with the Cool Smoke (CS) Hybrid Vaporizing Material ref. AN1040CS, a patented formula of ANEL that produces vapor with the smell of burning wood.

3) As a smoker in combination with conventional smoking materials for their safe ignition with the lid of the device closed instead of using a match or lighter.

Both Vapor Pads and Cool Smoke contain substances that have been used for decades in various forms in beekeeping. Both products have successfully passed extensive tests for effect on bees or residues in honey both in the laboratory and in apiaries.

Both VP and CS contain extinguishing agents that prevent flame development. Their use according to the instructions for use is extremely safe and does not pose a risk of fire when they are used according to the instructions for use of the device.

Even in the use of conventional smoking materials (e.g. pine needles), due to the fact that the ignition of the materials takes place entirely in a closed environment, it becomes safer than conventional smokers.

IMPORTANT: How to choose a battery:

For the Vapor Pads use only the battery of 7.4V. Can also be used to light any other traditional material like a normal smoker.

Use to initiate combustion of conventional materials:

Indicative time to light dry pine needles: 7.4V battery: 10-30”

The photo of the chargers and batteries is indicative and may differ from what you will receive.
It lasts 1 - 1:30 hours depending on its use.
€115.34 excl tax
€130.33 incl tax

Vaping Material for ANEL Electric Smoker "VAPOR PADS", 5 pcs package


Lasts up to 3 hours per piece.

Before use, refer to our website by scanning the QR Code for any updates.

To avoid creating a flame-fire hazard when using the Cool Smoke pellets.


• When combined with Cool Smoke pellets don’t let the smoker stay idle/untouched, without blowing air for more than 15 minutes.

• Shake the device lightly every 5-10 minutes.

• When 50% of the pellets turn black you should replace them.

• When more than 50% of the pellets are black, the extinguishing capacity of the material has decreased and should be replaced.

• Be very careful when emptying the pellets as they are still hot and if they come in contact with flammable materials (for example: dry grass) a fire may occur.

• Before emptying the contents of the smoker make sure they have come to room temperature.

• The device must under no circumstances be left unattended during operation.

• Do not lay the device to the right, left, backwards or more than 45° forwards.


One device for 3 uses:

1. Vapor

2. Hybrid vapor with the smell of burning wood

3. Conventional smoke

applied to the bees during the beekeepers' visits to the apiary.

The device is designed to work:

1) As a vaporizer combined with the VaporPads ref… AN1040VAP Vapor Producing Material that produces vapor with the common method of heating vaporizing materials.

2) As a hybrid vaporizer combined with the CoolSmoke Hybrid Vaporizing Material ref... AN1040CS a patented formula of ANEL that produces vapor with the smell of burning wood, making it more effective for bees.

3) As a smoker in combination with conventional smoking materials for their safe ignition with the lid of the device closed instead of using a match or lighter.

Both VaporPad and CoolSmoke contain substances that have been used for decades in various forms in beekeeping. Both products have successfully passed extensive tests for effect on bees or residues in honey both in the laboratory and in apiaries.

Both VP and CS contain extinguishing agents that prevent flame development. Their use according to the instructions for use is extremely safe and does not pose a risk of fire when they are used according to the instructions for use of the device.

Even in the use of conventional smoking materials (e.g. pine needles), due to the fact that the ignition of the materials takes place entirely in a closed environment, it becomes safer than conventional smokers.

The device is available in 2 different amperage versions, ANELVPSM-01/3.7/6-ST and ANELVPSM-01/7.4/6-ST. Depending on the use you want to use, consult the table below.


How to choose a battery:

We recommend using the 3.7V for the best safety even during the warm months of summer when fire danger is high. Combine only with the CoolSmoke material. The vapor produce will be on the lighter side. Can also be used to light any other traditional material like a normal smoker.

Use the 7.4V for a lot and thick smoke in combination with the VaporPads for safe use in warm months when fire danger is high or with CoolSmoke for the rest of the months of the year. Can also be used to light any other traditional material like a normal smoker.


Use to initiate combustion of conventional materials:

All batteries can be used to start burning common materials. The higher the Volts (V) the sooner the combustion starts. Indicative times for use with dry pine needles are as follows:

3.7V: 20-60”

7.4V: 10-30”

11.1V: 5-10”



The photo of the chargers and batteries is indicative and may differ from what you will receive.

It lasts 1 - 1:30 hours depending on its use.

€14.45 excl tax
€17.92 incl tax

Plastic Beehive Bottom Board ANEL Langstroth CONFIGURATOR: Choose type, color and entrances


Amazing strength, fit for tough use. With five points for hive body stabilization. With bases of special non-slip material, screwed to the bottom, so that the hives do not slip during transportation by truck and the bases remain attached. Accompanied by very practical transportation-protection doors.

Can be connected with the hive body with four different ways:
1. With adjustable front and rear fasteners.
2. With wire fasteners right and left.
3. Screw-in. With special connectors so that the bottom can be screwed permanently on the hive body thus transforming into a brood chamber with non-atachable bottom board.
4. With attachment straps which can be removed after beehive placement to discourage thieves.

What are the advantages of a ventilated plastic bottom board?
• Bees can keep the hive clean very easily.
• When applying treatments for varroa the parasites fall down under the hive thus treating the hive more effectively.
• Ventilation means less humidity and less humidity means fewer chances that nozema will spread in the hive. 

SET of ANEL Single-Body Hive with 10 Wooden Frames, Mobile Classic Bottom Board and Applied Fasteners Langstroth

Πλαστική κυψέλη ANEL με πανίσχυρη μόνωση πολυουρεθάνης (PU) υψηλής πυκνότητας. Κατασκευή από υψηλής ποιότητας αντιμικροβιακά υλικά της ANEL που προσδίδουν ασύγκριτη αντοχή στον ήλιο και στις καιρικές συνθήκες . Έχουν άριστες αντοχές και κάνουν τις μέλισσες να αισθάνονται πιο άνετα (υλικό αντί-στρες). Με άριστη μόνωση και πολύ καλή διαφοροποίηση εσωτερικής με εξωτερική θερμοκρασία, τόσο το χειμώνα όσο και το καλοκαίρι.
Όροφος με αντιολισθητική επιφάνεια στην πάνω και την κάτω πλευρά του για μέγιστη σταθεροποίηση. Με τα κλασσικά χωνευτά χερούλια αλλά και ένα δεύτερο ζευγάρι εξωτερικά χερούλια ειδικά σχεδιασμένα για εύκολη μεταφορά της κυψέλης χωρίς να επηρεάζουν και να ενοχλούν την τοποθέτηση κυψελών δίπλα δίπλα.
Με αεριζόμενο κινητό πλαστικό πάτο που διατηρεί όλα τα πλεονεκτήματα του κλειστού πάτου ANEL αλλά υιοθετεί τη νέα τάση που έχει προκύψει παγκόσμια για αερισμό της κυψέλης από το κάτω μέρος. Τι προσφέρει ο αεριζόμενος/αντιβαρρόα πάτος: Έχει παρατηρηθεί ότι οι μέλισσες πετούν πολλά βαρρόα καθημερινά κάτω τα οποία όμως ξανανεβαίνουν στις μέλισσες. Με τον ανοιχτό πάτο της ANEL όμως όποιο βαρρόα πέσει κάτω στο χώμα εξουδετερώνεται, πεθαίνει και το μελίσσι έχει σημαντικό όφελος. Όπως επίσης σημαντικό όφελος έχει και για ασθένειες που σχετίζονται με την υγρασία (ασκοσφαίρωση και νοζεμίαση) οι οποίες αποδεδειγμένα όταν η κυψέλη αερίζεται επαρκώς προσβάλουν μικρότερο αριθμό μελισσοσμηνών. Κατασκευασμένος έτσι ώστε να μη βουλώνει από τη δραστηριότητα του σμήνους.
Σύνδεση με τον όροφο με τέσσερις διαφορετικούς τρόπους:
• Με ρυθμιζόμενους συνδετήρες εμπρός και πίσω
• Με συνδετήρες σύρματος δεξιά και αριστερά
• Βιδωτοί: Υπάρχουν ειδικές υποδοχές για να βιδώσουν μόνιμα τον πάτο στο πάτωμα
• Με ιμάντες σύνδεσης τους οποίους και μπορείτε να αφαιρέσετε μετά την τοποθέτηση των κυψελών για να αποθαρρύνετε τους κλέφτες.
Ο πάτος της πλαστικής κυψέλης μετατρέπεται πολύ εύκολα σε γυρεοσυλλέκτη: Διαθέτει ενσωματωμένο πλέγμα συλλογής γύρης. Έτσι με την προμήθεια του σετ συλλογής γύρης ref. AN57100 μπορείτε να μετατρέψετε τον υβριδικό σας πάτο ANEL σε γυρεοσυλλέκτη οποιαδήποτε στιγμή το επιθυμείτε!
Συνοδεύεται από πολύ πρακτικές πόρτες: Τα πορτάκια για το κλείσιμο της εισόδου της κυψέλης που συνοδεύουν τον πάτο είναι εφοδιασμένα με ειδικές θυρίδες εισόδου για τις μέλισσες οι οποίες εμποδίζουν την είσοδο σε ζωύφια μεγαλύτερα των 8mm. Προστατεύουν ακόμα και από τις μικρές κίτρινες σφήκες γιατί δίνουν την ευκαιρία στις εργάτριες να αμυνθούν από «οχυρωμένη» θέση τους εχθρούς. Τα πορτάκια είναι εφοδιασμένα στην πίσω πλευρά με ένα πιράκι το οποίο ασφαλίζει αυτόματα την πόρτα στη θέση μεταφοράς.
Δεν γλιστράει στην καρότσα κατά τη μεταφορά: Τα πέλματα του πάτου είναι από ειδικό αντιολισθητικό υλικό και είναι βιδωμένα στον πάτο. Έτσι και δεν γλιστράνε οι κυψέλες στην καρότσα του φορτηγού κατά τη μεταφορά και δεν αποκολλούνται τα πέλματα από τα πόδια.
• Μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής που ξεπερνάει τα 10 χρόνια.
• Δεν χρειάζεται καμία συντήρηση.
• Ασύγκριτες αντοχές σε κρούση και στήριξη φορτίου (>500 Kg).
• Εντυπωσιακά στιβαρή και ταυτόχρονα ελαφριά.
• Δεν πετσικάρει, δεν σαπίζει και δεν κρατάει νερά.
• Το υλικό που έρχεται σε επαφή με τη μέλισσα είναι κατάλληλο για τρόφιμα.
• Δεν διαβρώνεται από χημικά (καυστική ποτάσα, οξαλικό οξύ, μυρμηκικό οξύ, χλωρίνη κ.α.).
• Με 4 σημεία εφαρμογής συνδετήρα εμπρός, πίσω και στα πλάγια (ρυθμιζόμενου ή τύπου σύρματος).
• Πυροσφραγίζεται πολύ εύκολα και η σφραγίδα ΔΕΝ μπορεί να παραποιηθεί.
Τρυπήστε σε όσα σημεία θέλετε και εφαρμόστε τάπες εισόδου ή αερισμού στις πλευρές της.
• Διαθέσιμοι όροφοι σε πέντε χρώματα : μπλε, πράσινο, κίτρινο, γκρι και λευκό.
• Διαθέσιμοι πάτοι σε δύο χρώματα : λευκό και καφέ.
• Διαθέσιμα καπάκια σε δύο χρώματα : λευκό και γκρι.
€50.94 excl tax
€63.17 incl tax

Pollen Collector Hive Entrance Type ANEL BIG GUY With Drawer

SKU: AN57010
This is a larger version of the classic ANEL pollen collector. Thus, you get ALL the advantages multiplied! More than two times larger pollen collection area. Larger flight board on the tray. Larger rain cover. Better drawer attachment so that it is not affected by wind or bugs. With specially designed gaps that do not injure the bees while retaining 60% of the pollen so that there is no danger of pollen deprivation for the hive. PLUS ... it features an incredibly simple way of attachment to the ANEL-PCCLIP hive. It has two points of protrusion, right and left, that are pushed in the hive entrance; the collector is supported on these two points. The classic ANEL collector has become famous all over the world. We are confident that you will love the new ANEL BIG GUY collector the way you loved the old one. Please be on alert for counterfeits! The great success and effectiveness of ANEL products drive competitors to produce nearly identical copies to fool you! But the difference from counterfeits is in the manufacturing details. Counterfeits are only externally similar, while being of questionable quality and efficiency (if not dangerous). Genuine ANEL collectors, as well as all other company products, carry the ANEL brand.
€8.91 excl tax
€11.05 incl tax

Division feeder with floaters ANEL 3kg Langstroth

SKU: AN30001
In the 1970s, Mr. Emmanuel Pantelakis, founder of ANEL, designed and built this revolutionary type feeder. This invention has received a Silver Award from APIMONDIA. The only feeder that fills from bottom to top. There is no need to empty it of bees before filling it. • Special plastic floaters, right and left, protect the bees from drowning. • The inner walls have indentations to allow the bees to easily climb up. • Ideal for feeding in hives where queen rearing is applied. TIP: In winter you can use it to narrow the space available to the bees and insulate the colony from the side.
€5.04 excl tax
€6.25 incl tax

Queen Excluder Injected With Two Entrances Plastic PP ANEL

SKU: AN51401C

Queen Excluder Injected with Two Entrances Plastic PP ANEL

Item Description: Queen Excluder with Two Entrances protected from wasps, Perimetric frame, Partitions for combination with vertical dividers for multiple colonies or other uses.

Properties - Uses:

It is used like all queen excluders interposed between the brood-chamber and the honey-chambers.

The doors open and close at will and you can have them applied to the hives during transport.

The perimetric frame makes it possible to use it as a double queen excluder by placing a single excluder on top of it.

Internal partitions offer a guide to be combined with vertical dividers to confine the queen even within a frame in order to:

· Treat (e.g. for Varroa) in a controlled brood environment.

· Limit the brood before flowering.

· Multiply colonies.

· Combine it with a common excluder in the upper part to turn into a double excluder. So, you have one queen up and one on the bottom.

· Combine it with a common excluder for multiplication: In this case you do the same thing as the vertical divider, but you put the entrances of the excluder facing the opposite side from the doors of the brood-chamber.

€1.66 excl tax
€2.06 incl tax

Soft Propolis Collection Screen GREY ANEL with Holes for Feeding Langstroth/Dadant 10

SKU: AN58001A-2
The grey propolis collection screen is softer and more flexible than the brown ANEL screen. As a result propolis is extracted easier even by hand and it does not need to be put in the freezer. Ideal temperature for extraction is 17-20°C.
ATTENTION, don't put it in the freezer because if it hardens and pressure is applied on it, it might break. It bears two holes that you can choose to open if you want to put solid food on top (bee candy). Thus, you will be able to feed the bees and at the same time they will not stop the collection of propolis. The sides of the holes also lift the center of the screen up so it does not bend in the center and the bees can fill all the screen evenly.
Propolis is a very promising product with a very good price, which may contribute to your income without requiring much effort or time. The propolis collection screens are placed on the hive top floor, below the cover.
There should be some space left above the propolis collection screen and the hive cover so that air current is generated from which the bees will try to protect themselves by filling the screen with propolis. To keep the required gap you can use the two spacers attached to the side of the screen which are foldable. Propolis can be extracted from the screens after you place it in the freezer for 5 minutes and then shake or rub the propolis with a piece of wood or your hand.
The screen can collect 60 to 80gr when full within 10-15 days. Usually applied in spring and autumn - a good year can give you around 400gr per beehive. All these results can vary depending on the race of the bees, the beehive, the fauna and the time of year.
Screen dimensions: 420x510mm - can be cut to any smaller dimensions you wish!
Gaps dimensions: 20,5x2,5mm
Weight: 0,264kg
Material: Soft Polyethylene (PE), Food Grade
€1.71 excl tax
€2.12 incl tax

Allure Swarm Attractant Spray ANEL 30ml - 1oz

SKU: AN66043-ST
Honeybee Swarm Lure Spray
Hyper concentrated, a single spray lasts up to 10 days (in warm climates lasts a little less). Up to 250-300 doses.
How to use:
a) Choose a spot up to 50m from your apiary where it is convenient for you to catch the swarm and spray directly on the surface that you want to attract it. b) If you want to make a trap (with a beehive, a box etc.) spray once inside the beehive and once on the beehive entrance. If you have already placed a frame foundation in the trap, spray on the side of the frame that is near the entrance.
• An ideal height for your trap is around 1.80 m (5,9 ft).
• Check the trap periodically to catch any swarms attracted by it.
• If you are certain that the spot that you sprayed is not emitting any smell repeat the spraying process.
€16.00 excl tax
€19.84 incl tax

Allure Swarm Attractant MINI Spray 2,5ml/0,085oz

SKU: AN66043-11
Hyper concentrated, a single spray lasts up to 10 days (in warm climates lasts a little less). Up to 25 doses (1 dose=2 pumping’s). How to use: a) Choose a spot up to 50m from your apiary where it is convenient for you to catch the swarm and spray directly on the surface that you want to attract it. b) If you want to make a trap (with a beehive, a box etc.) spray once inside the beehive and once on the beehive entrance. If you have already placed a frame foundation in the trap, spray on the side of the frame that is near the entrance. • An ideal height for your trap is around 1.80 m (5,9 ft). • Check the trap periodically to catch any swarms attracted by it. • If you are certain that the spot that you sprayed is not emitting any smell repeat the spraying process.
€4.51 excl tax
€5.59 incl tax

Honeybee Swarm Allure Stick ANEL 20 pieces

SKU: AN66045
Drill and hang the stick. Attracts the 55% of the first a swarms and the 81% the second ones. Duration up to 4 months. Attracts the swarms that will pass up to a radius of 25 meters from it. In cases of secondary swarms, the swarms are permanently installed in the traps.
€16.00 excl tax
€19.84 incl tax

Swarm Attractant Wipe Allure 1 piece

SKU: AN66044
*For distribution outside of Greece and Cyprus please see *
The new Swarm Attractant Wipes of the Allure Series from ANEL! An ideal solution in the difficult period of swarming! You can just open a hole in the top of the package (where it is marked) and hang it in a branch of a tree near or wherever you want to lure the swarm. Alternatively you can place the wipes inside an empty hive on top of the frames.
€0.72 excl tax
€0.89 incl tax
For distribution outside of Greece and Cyprus see

SET of ANEL Double-Body Hive with 20 Wooden Frames, Classic Mobile Bottom Board and Applied Fasteners Langstroth

Πλαστική κυψέλη ANEL με πανίσχυρη μόνωση πολυουρεθάνης (PU) υψηλής πυκνότητας. Κατασκευή από υψηλής ποιότητας αντιμικροβιακά υλικά της ANEL που προσδίδουν ασύγκριτη αντοχή στον ήλιο και στις καιρικές συνθήκες . Έχουν άριστες αντοχές και κάνουν τις μέλισσες να αισθάνονται πιο άνετα (υλικό αντί-στρες). Με άριστη μόνωση και πολύ καλή διαφοροποίηση εσωτερικής με εξωτερική θερμοκρασία, τόσο το χειμώνα όσο και το καλοκαίρι.
Όροφος με αντιολισθητική επιφάνεια στην πάνω και την κάτω πλευρά του για μέγιστη σταθεροποίηση. Με τα κλασσικά χωνευτά χερούλια αλλά και ένα δεύτερο ζευγάρι εξωτερικά χερούλια ειδικά σχεδιασμένα για εύκολη μεταφορά της κυψέλης χωρίς να επηρεάζουν και να ενοχλούν την τοποθέτηση κυψελών δίπλα δίπλα.
Με αεριζόμενο κινητό πλαστικό πάτο που διατηρεί όλα τα πλεονεκτήματα του κλειστού πάτου ANEL αλλά υιοθετεί τη νέα τάση που έχει προκύψει παγκόσμια για αερισμό της κυψέλης από το κάτω μέρος. Τι προσφέρει ο αεριζόμενος/αντιβαρρόα πάτος: Έχει παρατηρηθεί ότι οι μέλισσες πετούν πολλά βαρρόα καθημερινά κάτω τα οποία όμως ξανανεβαίνουν στις μέλισσες. Με τον ανοιχτό πάτο της ANEL όμως όποιο βαρρόα πέσει κάτω στο χώμα εξουδετερώνεται, πεθαίνει και το μελίσσι έχει σημαντικό όφελος. Όπως επίσης σημαντικό όφελος έχει και για ασθένειες που σχετίζονται με την υγρασία (ασκοσφαίρωση και νοζεμίαση) οι οποίες αποδεδειγμένα όταν η κυψέλη αερίζεται επαρκώς προσβάλουν μικρότερο αριθμό μελισσοσμηνών. Κατασκευασμένος έτσι ώστε να μη βουλώνει από τη δραστηριότητα του σμήνους.
Σύνδεση με τον όροφο με τέσσερις διαφορετικούς τρόπους:
• Με ρυθμιζόμενους συνδετήρες εμπρός και πίσω
• Με συνδετήρες σύρματος δεξιά και αριστερά
• Βιδωτοί: Υπάρχουν ειδικές υποδοχές για να βιδώσουν μόνιμα τον πάτο στο πάτωμα
• Με ιμάντες σύνδεσης τους οποίους και μπορείτε να αφαιρέσετε μετά την τοποθέτηση των κυψελών για να αποθαρρύνετε τους κλέφτες.
Ο πάτος της πλαστικής κυψέλης μετατρέπεται πολύ εύκολα σε γυρεοσυλλέκτη: Διαθέτει ενσωματωμένο πλέγμα συλλογής γύρης. Έτσι με την προμήθεια του σετ συλλογής γύρης ref. AN57100 μπορείτε να μετατρέψετε τον υβριδικό σας πάτο ANEL σε γυρεοσυλλέκτη οποιαδήποτε στιγμή το επιθυμείτε!
Συνοδεύεται από πολύ πρακτικές πόρτες: Τα πορτάκια για το κλείσιμο της εισόδου της κυψέλης που συνοδεύουν τον πάτο είναι εφοδιασμένα με ειδικές θυρίδες εισόδου για τις μέλισσες οι οποίες εμποδίζουν την είσοδο σε ζωύφια μεγαλύτερα των 8mm. Προστατεύουν ακόμα και από τις μικρές κίτρινες σφήκες γιατί δίνουν την ευκαιρία στις εργάτριες να αμυνθούν από «οχυρωμένη» θέση τους εχθρούς. Τα πορτάκια είναι εφοδιασμένα στην πίσω πλευρά με ένα πιράκι το οποίο ασφαλίζει αυτόματα την πόρτα στη θέση μεταφοράς.
Δεν γλιστράει στην καρότσα κατά τη μεταφορά: Τα πέλματα του πάτου είναι από ειδικό αντιολισθητικό υλικό και είναι βιδωμένα στον πάτο. Έτσι και δεν γλιστράνε οι κυψέλες στην καρότσα του φορτηγού κατά τη μεταφορά και δεν αποκολλούνται τα πέλματα από τα πόδια.
• Μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής που ξεπερνάει τα 10 χρόνια.
• Δεν χρειάζεται καμία συντήρηση.
• Ασύγκριτες αντοχές σε κρούση και στήριξη φορτίου (>500 Kg).
• Εντυπωσιακά στιβαρή και ταυτόχρονα ελαφριά.
• Δεν πετσικάρει, δεν σαπίζει και δεν κρατάει νερά.
• Το υλικό που έρχεται σε επαφή με τη μέλισσα είναι κατάλληλο για τρόφιμα.
• Δεν διαβρώνεται από χημικά (καυστική ποτάσα, οξαλικό οξύ, μυρμηκικό οξύ, χλωρίνη κ.α.).
• Με 4 σημεία εφαρμογής συνδετήρα εμπρός, πίσω και στα πλάγια (ρυθμιζόμενου ή τύπου σύρματος).
• Πυροσφραγίζεται πολύ εύκολα και η σφραγίδα ΔΕΝ μπορεί να παραποιηθεί.
Τρυπήστε σε όσα σημεία θέλετε και εφαρμόστε τάπες εισόδου ή αερισμού στις πλευρές της.
• Διαθέσιμοι όροφοι σε πέντε χρώματα : μπλε, πράσινο, κίτρινο, γκρι και λευκό.
• Διαθέσιμοι πάτοι σε δύο χρώματα : λευκό και καφέ.
• Διαθέσιμα καπάκια σε δύο χρώματα : λευκό και γκρι.
€76.82 excl tax
€95.26 incl tax

Ηive Body Deep Plastic ANEL with Polyurethane Insulation 9 5/8"-25 cm Langstroth

SKU: AN2610N
A beehive bodie that has only advantages! Filled with polyurethane foam insulation. It is very lightweight. Does not deform, Does not crack/open up and does not rot. It has integrated ergonomically designed lifting handles on the front and on the back, designed for comfortable carrying. Warm in winter and cool in summer. Suitable for all wooden Langstroth hives. • Non-slip upper and lower surfaces • It can be drilled, screwed or hammered at will. It can endure anything! • Available in white, gray, blue, yellow and green • Robust and very durable • It can be sealed with the fire marker and the seal cannot be tampered with by thieves • All materials in contact with bees are food grade • To connect the parts you can use wire fasteners right and left or adjustable fasteners front and back or even attachment straps
€18.98 excl tax
€23.54 incl tax

Beehive Top Cover ANEL with 4 Ventilation Plugs Langstroth

A modern tool with many advantages... • Double walled with the gap filled with polyurethane foam insulation. • With 4 ventilation plugs • Unmatched impact strength and load support. • Anti-slip surface to prevent hives from slipping during transportation. • 4 points of attachment at the front, back and the sides (adjustable or wire type). • Resistant to chemicals (caustic potash, oxalic acid, formic acid, bleach etc.). If you use ventilated bottom boards the hive has adequate ventilation even without ventilation caps. Just think of the wild hives settling on the top part of closed spaces, like tree hollows.
€14.37 excl tax
€17.82 incl tax

Top Feeder ANEL with Divided Compartments 4+3Lt, 10 frame cap, Langstroth & Dadant

SKU: AN30030
Top feeder with two compartments for feeding both liquid and solid food at the same time.
Both compartments can be used for all types of food due to the holes and special plugs that come with the feeder. Thus, you can choose to feed your bees with pollen substitute together with sugar-water or bee candy at the same time. Or choose to fill both compartments with only sugar-water. The compartments can take 4 and 3 kg of sugar-water respectively.
Moreover, the feeder is divided inside and below in 6 independent parts so if you have more than one swarms in the same hive you could feed them all independently without them coming in contact. This is ideal for queen breeders and creation of new bee swarms during spring.
• Provides insulation of the inside of the hive in cold and hot weather.
• When you fill the feeder, you do not disturb the bees, since they are completely isolated behind the divides and you don’t come in contact with them. Ideal for fast feeding.
• Fits into the hive cover and alters the hive height only by a few mms.
• Has vent holes to allow humidity to escape the hive.
• Requires absolutely no maintenance.
• Built from high quality food-grade polypropylene.
€11.98 excl tax
€14.86 incl tax

Fogger ANEL-FOGB Butane

SKU: AN60003B
Fight Varroa with the New Fogger by ANEL!
The new fogger by ANEL is the faster and most effective way to apply treatments!
The active substance in the form of fog can penetrate all the parts of hive ensuring the best application as well as the least residues left.
The duration of application needed is only around 4 seconds in each hive which means this is by far the fastest way than any other method used for treating beehives.
See it in action in the video tab!
Its' advantages are:
- No need for electrical power since it runs on gas (butane/propane bottle)
- Lightweight and small in size
- Easy to use (always with the appropriate mask)
- Reusable
- Uses simple means to create fog (glycerin, mineral oil or other organic oil like olive oil)
- Utilizes the active substance in its maximum
- Incomparable penetration
Due to the fact that chemical fog is released the use of an appropriate mask is strongly advised!
The use of the fogger must be done by responsible persons due to the gas bottle that it uses.
€193.60 excl tax
€218.77 incl tax

Branding Iron "Fire Marker" Electric ANEL for Removable Digits (up to 12 - NOT included)

A powerful and easy to use branding iron for your hives and other beekeeping equipment. Quality and toughness in order to serve the professional beekeeper for a lifetime. The characters of the fire marker are removable so you can form your own writing. Characters are not included in the price.
• 230 Volts Α.C.50 Hz
• 1.500 Watt
• Weight: 2,1Kg
• Dimensions: 32cmx24cmx7cm
• Weight of temperature regulator: 1Kg
• Dimensions of temperature regulator: 18cmx12cmx13cm
€229.86 excl tax
€285.03 incl tax

Branding Iron "Fire Marker" LPG ANEL for 12 Digits (not included)


Perhaps the best branding iron available worldwide. A product designed and manufactured for safe, efficient and ergonomic use. The heated area works like an oven directing the flame on the digits. At the same time, it prevents heat radiation from returning to the operator's hands. 

  • The digits are easily placed and can be changed separately
  • Heats very fast
  • Marks surfaces deeply 
  • It immediately replenishes the temperature lost during combustion of wood
  • It is very fast and does not require reheating pauses

Minimum digits needed: 10 

Technical Characteristics

Dimensions: 14 digits model: 39x23x4cm – 12 digits model: 39x20x4cm
Weight: 1.4 - 1.1 kg (without digits)
Type of LPG required: LPG PROPANE
LPG requirements: 14 digits model: 600g/H - 12 digits model: 400g/Η
LPG pressure requirements: 3Bar
Recommended type of pressure regulator: (ref:PH10503B) inlet (Pd+1) 16Bar - outlet Pd= 3Bar / 18Kg/Η
ATTENTION!!! The product operates ONLY with the appropriate pressure regulator and the required type of LPG. Using LPG or/and a pressure regulator out of specifications will cause out of limits temperatures in the digits (lower or higher), resulting in their permanent damage and eventually setting the device and the digits OUT OF WARRANTY.

€124.47 excl tax
€154.34 incl tax

Digit for Fire Marker ANEL with Screws

SKU: AN10507
Made from solid brass, employing modern technology, deeply engraved to make deep marks on surfaces.
€8.53 excl tax
€10.58 incl tax

Top Feeder ANEL ECO 10 Frame cap, 7,5kg Langstroth & Dadant

SKU: AN30024
The low-budget solution for the the roof feeder. The only thing that changes is the durability of the plastic when exposed to the sun. If you don't expose the feeders in the sun you will have no problem. The professional roof feeder, the ultimate tool for bee feeding, offers the following: • Provides insulation of the inside of the hive in cold and hot weather. • When you fill the feeder, you do not disturb the bees, since they are completely isolated behind the divides. • Whatever the inclination of your hive might be the bees can consume all the syrup. • Suitable for liquid (syrup) and solid (bee candy) feed. You will never again have the leaks experienced with wooden feeders. • Fits into the lid and does not alter the hive height. • Has vent holes to allow humidity to escape the hive. • Requires absolutely no maintenance. Built from very durable material
€5.30 excl tax
€6.57 incl tax

Division feeder Eco ANEL (without floaters) 1,5kg Langstroth Dadant

SKU: AN30003
A simple and easy to use division feeder. Inside there are special indentations for the bees to easily climb up but it is recommended to use some kind of floating material (wood etc) for avoiding the drowning of bees. In order to refill it you have to empty it of bees. The solid internal structure averts deformation when filling the feeder.
€1.15 excl tax
€1.43 incl tax
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