SKU: AN65401-ST
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Peso: 1,00 Kg
Artículos / Paquete: 1
€285,48 sin impuestos
€354,00 con impuestos

Easy and fast feeding of syrup to the bees. Forget spilled syrups and carrying buckets. The 12 volt high voltage syrup/water pump is equipped with an automatic pressure switch that opens and closes automatically when you open and close the hose nozzle mounted on a reel. (Same or similar with the photo)

Technical characteristics:
• Ability to pump 18.5 lt / pm
• Maximum flow rate: 7.8 (4.5GPM)
• Maximum pressure: 40PSI
• Motor voltage: 12V DC
• Automatic suction
• Pressure switch protection: With fully automatic ON/OFF control

The set includes:
• Syrup pump 12V
• Hose Nozzle Φ20
• Hose 3/4 25m
• Spool for rubber
• Connection adapters
• 2 Fittings 1/2 + 3/4
• 4 Quick Links 3/4

Easy and fast feeding of syrup to the bees. Forget spilled syrups and carrying buckets. The 12 volt high voltage syrup/water pump is equipped with an automatic pressure switch that opens and closes automatically when you open and close the hose nozzle mounted on a reel. (Same or similar with the photo)

Technical characteristics:
• Ability to pump 18.5 lt / pm
• Maximum flow rate: 7.8 (4.5GPM)
• Maximum pressure: 40PSI
• Motor voltage: 12V DC
• Automatic suction
• Pressure switch protection: With fully automatic ON/OFF control

The set includes:
• Syrup pump 12V
• Hose Nozzle Φ20
• Hose 3/4 25m
• Spool for rubber
• Connection adapters
• 2 Fittings 1/2 + 3/4
• 4 Quick Links 3/4

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