
Colmenas de observación

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Colmena de Observación 2 cuadros Langstroth

SKU: FS51685
An observation hive allows you to monitor the activity of bees in an enclosed area (e.g. home, lab or warehouse) throughout the year. You will need to open a passage - hole through a wall and assemble the hive door, so that bees can graze. But it is really worth it! Made from wood and glass.
€120,00 sin impuestos
€148,80 con impuestos
Is available

Observation Bee Beehive BEEAMOND Esthetic Model


If you have ever considered learning about honey bees then this is the right product for you. The Esthetic model is specifically designed for the enjoyment and study of honey bees in their own micro world. This offer is ideal for keeping honey bees in your home. A new hobby from which you will attract the attention of all your family, friends, customers, and, or visitors, anyone from the age of 5-105 years without a doubt. Keeping them all entertained.

Please note: The Beeamond Systems do not include bees.




This model includes:

  • Hexagonal body
  • Feeder
  • Entrance set
  • Bee Box
  • Rotary wall mount
  • Barrier cards
  • Attachment for the queen bee

Product Benefits

The Esthetic model can be used as an ambient decoration as well as an educational asset. The activation of a Beeamond System promotes and stimulates the pollination processes supporting biodiversity in your local areas. If you are already rearing honey bees this product can be a great monitoring device and indicator of the processes that occur in your bee yard (e.g. flying activities, foraging, and pollen collection). Observing honey bees (hatching, communicating, dancing, and building wax combs) will give you real peace of mind and a deeper insight into the natural processes that occur around these gentle beings.

The Esthetic model provides you with a firsthand experience of having an indoor bee colony, allowing you to gather knowledge about everything that these 150 million years old beings supply to humans. A laser-cut precision-made system of highly resistant acrylic glass, guaranteeing the safety of contactless beekeeping with the usage of barrier cards.

€850,00 sin impuestos
€1054,00 con impuestos

Observation Bee Beehive BEEAMOND Professional Model


Using our most advanced product – the Beeamond Professional model, you will fully experience all the benefits of honey bee products and services. It comes with two additional attachments – a Honey collector and a Bee venom therapy set.

The benefit of obtaining fresh honey using the Beeamond Professional System model is unsurpassed.

Bee venom provides advantages for the potential treatment of various disorders. Bee venom contains several active molecules which have shown benefits for the human body. It can be introduced into the human body by using the Bee venom therapy set provided in the Beeamond Professional model.

Please note: The Beeamond Systems do not include bees.





This model includes:

  • Hexagonal body
  • Feeder
  • Entrance set
  • Bee Box
  • Rotary wall mount
  • Barrier cards
  • Attachment for the queen bee
  • Pollen collector
  • Propolis collector
  • Inhalation set
  • Honey collector
  • Bee venom set
€1500,00 sin impuestos
€1860,00 con impuestos

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Min: €148,00 Max: €1860,00
148 1860


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ANEL sarà chiusa dal 21 dicembre al 6 gennaio per le vacanze di Natale. Risponderemo ai vostri messaggi e ordini dopo il 6/1. Buon Natale con salute & Felice Anno Nuovo!

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