SKU: FS51685
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Dimensiones (Artículo): 16.00x54.00x40.00 cm
Peso: 8,80 Kg
Artículos / Paquete: 1
€120,00 sin impuestos
€148,80 con impuestos
Is available
An observation hive allows you to monitor the activity of bees in an enclosed area (e.g. home, lab or warehouse) throughout the year. You will need to open a passage - hole through a wall and assemble the hive door, so that bees can graze. But it is really worth it! Made from wood and glass.
An observation hive allows you to monitor the activity of bees in an enclosed area (e.g. home, lab or warehouse) throughout the year. You will need to open a passage - hole through a wall and assemble the hive door, so that bees can graze. But it is really worth it! Made from wood and glass.
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