
SET de colmena de dos cuerpos ANEL con 20 cuadros de madera Fondo de Colmena ventilado móvil Langstroth

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Dimensiones (Paquete): 57,50 x 43,00 x 68,00 cm
Dimensiones (Artículo): 57.50 x 43.00 x 68.00 cm
Peso: 16,70 Kg
Artículos / Palet: 12
Artículos / Paquete: 1
€71,50 sin impuestos
€88,66 con impuestos
Contact us to let us know which color of hive bodies you prefer. They come in white, gray, green, blue and yellow. Beehive Top Cover ANEL with 4 ventilation Plugs Lng AN2600V4 -1x Beehive Body ANEL with Polyurethane Insulation AN2610Ν – 2x Beehive Bottom Board ANEL Hybrid Ventilated Lng (1 set of doors included) AN5100V – 1x Wooden frame assembled with holes 9 1 / 8'' Lng PU51650 – 20x No Fasteners included.
Contact us to let us know which color of hive bodies you prefer. They come in white, gray, green, blue and yellow. Beehive Top Cover ANEL with 4 ventilation Plugs Lng AN2600V4 -1x Beehive Body ANEL with Polyurethane Insulation AN2610Ν – 2x Beehive Bottom Board ANEL Hybrid Ventilated Lng (1 set of doors included) AN5100V – 1x Wooden frame assembled with holes 9 1 / 8'' Lng PU51650 – 20x No Fasteners included.
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Tamiz para coleccionar propóleos Langstroth/Dadant 10

SKU: AN58001A-1
Tamiz para coleccionar los propóleos Los propóleos es un producto emergente de muy buen precio que puede contribuir en sus ingresos sin requerir de mucho esfuerzo ni tiempo. Los tamices para coleccionar los propóleos se instalan sobre el último nivel y abajo de la tapa. Hay que existir espacio encima del tamiz de colección de propóleos para que se cree una corriente de aire que las abejas intentan de parar poniendo los propóleos en el tamiz. Para mantener la distancia, pueden usar los dos inhaladores al lado del tamiz. Los propóleos se quitan de los tamices cuando los ponen en la congelación por 5 minutos. Después los sacuden o frotan los propóleos con una ramita o con su mano. El tamiz puede reunir hasta 400gr de propóleos dentro de 10-15 días, dependiendo de la fauna y la época. Normalmente se aplican en primavera y otoño.
€1,73 sin impuestos
€2,15 con impuestos

Tapón de Entrada, Ventilación y Alimentación ANEL

SKU: AN51672EV
An innovative new ANEL Product! This is the New Hybrid ANEL Entrance, Ventilation & Feeding Plug.
Multiple uses:
• Ventilation screen and/or feeding plug.
• If you rotate the mechanism, with a simple CLICK, it turns into a small safety entrance for bees.
• Remove the mechanism altogether and you can use it as big entrance or a feeding plug.
To apply it in your beehive you will need:
• A drill with a 43mm hole saw
• Four 3,5 x 13mm screws
• A Polyurethane Sealant
We apply the PU sealant in the inner surface of the plug. We follow the same steps for a wooden beehive. The new ANEL plug is of larger diameter than the previous model. To replace the older model with the new plug you will need a 43mm cylindrical drill. The new plug comes with a hinge and opens sideways. It is advised to open it with a hive tool while holding it from the top, or by hand using our thumbnails. Due to opening sideways the plug cannot be closed by the wind. Position the lid in 90 degrees from the body to remove it. This is very useful because a potential thief will need special equipment.
The new ANEL Entrance, Ventilation & Feeding Plug can be used in many ways. As a feeding plug on the top cover, as ventilation or entrance in the frontside / backside of the top cover, as a small entrance on the side of the beehive protecting the bees from potential enemies, as ventilation on the sides, or as a big hive entrance. An alternative beehive entrance is very important. In case of plunder we leave the small entrance open so that only few bees can come in and the intruders can be handled. We close the front doors and lead the bees on the alternative entrance which the already know and use. For even more drastic measures if we want to prevent plunder, we just seal the plugs on the top cover.
Some other examples of how to use the New ANEL Entrance, Ventilation & Feeding Plug. During spring if we want to use a second hive body, it is very useful to have a second entrance in the upper hive body for beehive decongestion. A second entrance also helps bees collect honey easier, especially if we use a queen excluder.
Also, during spring if we have a ten-frame beehive that is in the process of swarming, we can divide it and have two independent swarms. Half of the frames can be transferred to a new hive body. We use a fabric cover to prevent pheromones from mixing and a queen excluder to keep the two queens away from each other. We place the new hive body on top. The original swarm uses the front entrance, while the new one uses the entrance on the back.
If we want to have 2 swarms in a single beehive, we can provide them two independent entrances from both sides. We keep them divided in two with the help of the ANEL vertical beehive divider. We can also have 3 swarms in the same beehive with the use of 2 dividers. This swarm uses the entrance on the right, this one uses the entrance on the left and the middle swarm uses the entrance on the back. In that case we will need a top feeder to keep them separated and feed them independently with syrup or candy.
€0,48 sin impuestos
€0,60 con impuestos

Lámina de plástico ANEL PS 9-1/8” Sin cera Langstroth/th - Hoffman cell d5.6mm

SKU: AN51661PS
Cuadro – Panal ANEL Cuadro plástico con panal de plástico incorporado e impreso con hexágonos perfectos (5,6 mm). No requieren alambres ni remaches. No se afectan por la polilla de la cera. No se quitan los clavos, no se aflojan ni se cuelgan. En el extractor de miel pueden usar velocidad más grande sin que destruya el panal (muy útil para las mieles duras como son las del abeto y la vainilla de Menalo). Todos los cuadros plásticos de ANEL están disponibles con cera o sin ella. Si ustedes quieren poner cera en los cuadros ANEL, pueden sumergirlos en cera fundida de temperatura 60-70 °C o poner la cera con la ayuda de un rodillo como el de la ZT11120 el cual sumergen en cera fundida. CONSEJO: Los cuadros ANEL se desinfectan en solución de potasa cáustica de 5% en temperatura 80 °C.
€1,57 sin impuestos
€1,95 con impuestos