
Lámina de Plástico PS ANEL sin cera celdad5.6 Dadant 278x405

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Dimensiones (Paquete): 44,00 x 23,00 x 29,00 cm
Dimensiones (Artículo): 40.50 x 27.80 x 00.40 cm
Peso: 210,00 g
Artículos / Palet: 4000
Artículos / Paquete: 50
€1,39 sin impuestos
€1,72 con impuestos
*CAN BE CUT TO ANY SMALLER DIMENSION YOU WISH - CONTACT US! ANEL plastic honeycomb foundation, printed with absolute hexagons (5.6 mm). There is no need for riveting and applying wire on the frames anymore! They can be applied on normal wooden frames that have a slit on the upper and lower part. You can purchase these frames from us, otherwise, with the right tools and very little effort, shape your own existing frames so they can accept the plastic honeycomb foundations.
ANEL plastic honeycomb foundations and frames will not be affected by wax moth. They will remain sturdy and you can use higher speeds in the honey extractor without destroying the honeycomb. Particularly useful for tight honey types. All ANEL plastic honeycomb foundations can come unwaxed or waxed. If you want to wax the foundations yourself you can either dip them in molten wax at a temperature of 60-70ºC or wax them with the help of a roll that you dive into the wax. Made of food-grade plastic. TIP: The ANEL plastic honeycomb foundation can be disinfected in 5% caustic potash solution at 80ºC..
*CAN BE CUT TO ANY SMALLER DIMENSION YOU WISH - CONTACT US! ANEL plastic honeycomb foundation, printed with absolute hexagons (5.6 mm). There is no need for riveting and applying wire on the frames anymore! They can be applied on normal wooden frames that have a slit on the upper and lower part. You can purchase these frames from us, otherwise, with the right tools and very little effort, shape your own existing frames so they can accept the plastic honeycomb foundations.
ANEL plastic honeycomb foundations and frames will not be affected by wax moth. They will remain sturdy and you can use higher speeds in the honey extractor without destroying the honeycomb. Particularly useful for tight honey types. All ANEL plastic honeycomb foundations can come unwaxed or waxed. If you want to wax the foundations yourself you can either dip them in molten wax at a temperature of 60-70ºC or wax them with the help of a roll that you dive into the wax. Made of food-grade plastic. TIP: The ANEL plastic honeycomb foundation can be disinfected in 5% caustic potash solution at 80ºC..
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