
Automatic Uncapping Machines

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Uncapping Machine Automatic Pro Supreme (Up to 9F/min)

SKU: PY60020
For large scale, professional beekeeping. A machine for demanding use. Includes an automatic feeder that holds five frames. With two heated knives (heating system not included). Productivity : up to 8 frames per minute.

Uncapping Machine Pro Supreme Base to be Paired with A Screw Press Unassembled

SKU: PY60031
Απολεπιστηρίου Αυτόματου Pro Supreme Βάση Στήριξης Ανοιχτή για Κοχλία.

Uncapping Machine's Heating and Circulation Unit 220V

SKU: AN60050
This unit heats water or paraflou and puts it into circulation. With 2000Kw resistance, temperature controller and pump; heating for uncapping machine knives could not be any more efficient.

Uncapping Machines Heating and Circulation Unit Open Circulation 220V

SKU: PY6004
Απολεπιστηρίου Μονάδα Θέρμανσης και Κυκλοφορίας Ζεστού Υγρού F.

Uncapping Machine Pro Supreme Base to be Paired with A Screw Press Welded

SKU: AN60030
Open-type base for automatic uncapping machine. Stainless steel rugged construction. Ideal for supporting uncapping machines. Bucket not included.
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