Minimize the problem of insects in your workshop, warehouse or anywhere else. An efficient, economical and stylish way to keep insects away from your area. We can provide you strip doors ready for installation, only requiring the dimensions (overall height and width) of the entrance you want to protect.
Minimize the problem of insects in your workshop, warehouse or anywhere else. An efficient, economical and stylish way to keep insects away from your area. We can provide you strip doors ready for installation, only requiring the dimensions (overall height and width) of the entrance you want to protect.
Minimize the problem of insects in your workshop, warehouse or anywhere else. An efficient, economical and stylish way to keep insects away from your area. We can provide you strip doors ready for installation, only requiring the dimensions (overall height and width) of the entrance you want to protect.
Τα πιαστράκια δημιουργούν στο επάνω μέρος της λωριδοκουρτίνας ένα σταθερό πιάσιμο ώστε να μη σκιστεί το πλαστικό . Αποτελούνται από δύο κομμάτια ανάμεσα στα οποία εγκλωβίζεται η λωριδοκουρτίνα. Για τη συγκράτησή τους μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε βίδες Μ5*10 ή πιρτσινια.