Removes honey trapped in the chippings without heating. Screw from synthetic material to avoid affecting the honey texture.
With honey collection bin to feed the pump. Squeezing pressure is regulated by inverter.
Removes honey trapped in the chippings without heating. Screw from synthetic material to avoid affecting the honey texture.
With honey collection bin to feed the pump. Squeezing pressure is regulated by inverter.
Removes honey trapped in the chippings without heating. Screw from synthetic material to avoid affecting the honey texture.
With honey collection bin to feed the pump. Squeezing pressure is regulated by inverter.
Ένας ιδανικός στίφτης για μικρές ποσότητες απολεπισμάτων. Εσείς αρκεί να τοποθετήσετε στο εσωτερικό τα απολεπίσματά σας και να ξεκινήσετε να γυρνάτε το χερούλι που βρίσκεται στο επάνω μέρος. Με επικλινή πάτο ώστε να χύνεται το μέλι εύκολα και γρήγορα από την οπή που υπάρχει στο μπροστινό μέρος του στίφτη.
Put your cappings inside the capping drying screen bag and put it inside your honey extractor from its holders. Start the centrifugation and your cappings will dry of honey, escaping the screen of the bag.
Blade length 25cm
Blade width 4.5cm
Stainless steel, durable, quality construction. With a wooden handle. Both sides of the knife are serrated. Flawless finish, perfect cut.
Blade length 28cm
Blade width 4.5cm
Stainless steel, durable, quality construction. With a wooden handle. Both sides of the knife are serrated. Flawless finish, perfect cut.