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Manual honey extractor 4 frame Ama CIVAN

SKU: CN55104
Stainless steel bucket and stainless steel reel. With brake (except for the 6 frame-model due to reversal). Quality construction, for use by amateurs beekeepers or small apiaries (up to 20 beehives). TIP: The 6-frame model includes frame rotation rings and thus there is no need to remove the frames to change spin side.
€340.00 excl tax
€421.60 incl tax

Uncapping Tank Ama Light

Μικρός πάγκος απολεπισμού διαστάσεων 60*40*21. Κατασκευασμένος από πλαστικό κατάλληλο για τρόφιμα, με σίτα αποστράγγισης των απολεπισμάτων και πλαστική κάνουλα.
€50.00 excl tax
€62.01 incl tax

Palette Carrier Scale 2TN with Printer

SKU: BA42102
Παλετοφόρο Ζυγαριά με θερμικό εκτυπωτή.

Uncapping Fork-Scraper with Wooden Handle LARGE

SKU: YW60104-1
€9.75 excl tax
€12.09 incl tax

Uncapping Fork-Scraper with Wooden Handle LARGE

SKU: YW60104
€7.00 excl tax
€8.68 incl tax

Old Honeycomb Press

SKU: AN70060
Professional machine for high efficiency and very low cost. Capacity up to 200 frames / hour. Disinfects frames. Temperature reaches 140⁰C. Produces an average of 120 g / black honeycomb for brook chamber (Langstroth). There is no need to remove the wire from frames. Requires steam supply for operation.

Rivets/Eyelets 4x10mm Package 3500pcs (1kg)

SKU: BS50301
Placed in the holes of the frame through which the wire passes so that the wood is not damaged. Due to stretching and the weight of the honeycomb the wire tends to penetrate into the wood; thus, the wire loosens and the honeycomb is destroyed.
Not in stock.

Rivets Eyelets 2x10 mm package 9000 pcs / kg

SKU: BS50303
Placed in the holes of the frame through which the wire passes so that the wood is not damaged. Due to stretching and the weight of the honeycomb the wire tends to penetrate into the wood; thus, the wire loosens and the honeycomb is destroyed.
Not available

Rivets Eyelets 3x7 mm package 8000 pcs / kg

SKU: BS50302
Placed in the holes of the frame through which the wire passes so that the wood is not damaged. Due to stretching and the weight of the honeycomb the wire tends to penetrate into the wood; thus, the wire loosens and the honeycomb is destroyed.
Not in stock.

Fire Marker LPG ANEL 12 Digits Elements Holder Replacement

Ανταλλακτική χούφτα πυροσφαγίδας υγραερίου ANEL 12 ψηφίων από ανοξείδωτο χάλυβα.
€36.43 excl tax
€45.17 incl tax

Fire Marker LPG ANEL 12 Digits Fire Torch Replacement

Πυροσφραγίδας Υγραερίου για 12 Ψηφία Φλόγιστρο Διπλό Ανταλλακτικό.
€88.04 excl tax
€109.17 incl tax

Elements Holder Replacement for Fire Marker LPG ANEL 14 Digits

Ανταλλακτική χούφτα πυροσφαγίδας υγραερίου ANEL 14 ψηφίων από ανοξείδωτο χάλυβα.
€39.47 excl tax
€48.94 incl tax
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