
Beehives & Their Parts

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Beehive Bottom board Wooden Langstroth

SKU: PU51001
Ξύλινος πάτος κυψέλης κινητός Lng.
€8.16 excl tax
€10.12 incl tax

Beehive legs ANEL for wooden Beehives (set 2 pcs,)

SKU: AN51675
The contact of wood with the ground means high humidity and an environment where microorganisms and insects can develop, decomposing the wood and ruining your hive. If you have hives with wooden bases or brood chambers, sooner or later you will run into the problem of rotting wood. ANEL plastic legs for wooden hives are inserted between the ground and the hive wooden bottom, reducing humidity. Mounted easily and securely with screws.
€1.14 excl tax
€1.41 incl tax

Beehive Legs Vrahipus ANEL Elevation and Protection (1 piece )

SKU: AN51202
They simultaneously solve two problems: - Elevate the hive from the ground level, facilitating the beekeeper’s work. - Provide protection from crawling bugs, as they cannot enter the hive. You can also add repellant fluid (like petrol) or adhesive (like oil or grease) in the special tray. Any creature trying to cross Vrahipus will be trapped in place. The Hive Legs Vrahipus are designed to snap together; thus, you can add as many as necessary, to adjust the desired height. PROTECT YOUR HIVES FROM AETHINA TUMIDA ! The legs can be perfectly combined with bee pollen collection set ref. AN57100 or other entrance pollen collector, to protect your collected pollen from unwanted “visitors”. - TIP: To fasten the Hive Legs Vrahipus on an ANEL bottom board, you must first unscrew the bottom board bases (feet) and then snap Vrahipus in place. The bases snap very easily on the bottom of the Vrahipus feet. - TIP: To fasten them on wooden bottom boards or brood chambers, use screws that are 1cm longer compared to the wood. You will need 4 screws for each leg.
€0.80 excl tax
€0.99 incl tax

Plastic Beehive Door Classic ANEL SET of 2 pcs (Blue and Yellow)

SKU: AN51003
Replacement doors for ANEL mobile bottom board. A set of two doors come with an ANEL bottom board, but can also be bought separately. Suitable for securing the entrance during transport, as well as for protecting the entrance. Prevent bugs larger than 8 mm from entering the hive. They even offer protection against small yellow wasps, as they provide a "fortified" position for defence. Equipped with special pin on the back, locking them in place so that they remain stable during transport. No further securing required. To open, slightly pull the handle and then push upwards. You can leave one door open and the other closed, limiting the entrance of the hive. Available in yellow and blue, thus limiting disorientation of bees.
€0.69 excl tax
€0.86 incl tax

Top Feeder ANEL for 6 Frame NUC Beehives cap, 4Kg Dadant

SKU: AN30025
The professional roof feeder. The ultimate tool for bee feeding. • Provides insulation of the inside of the hive in cold and hot weather. • When you fill the feeder, you do not disturb the bees, since they are completely isolated behind the divides. • Whatever the inclination of your hive might be the bees can consume all the syrup. • Suitable for liquid (syrup) and solid (bee candy) feed. You will never again have the leaks experienced with wooden feeders. • Fits into the lid and does not alter the hive height. • Has vent holes to allow humidity to escape the hive. • Requires absolutely no maintenance. Built from very durable material.
€4.54 excl tax
€5.63 incl tax

Division feeder Eco ANEL (without floaters) 1,5kg Langstroth Dadant

SKU: AN30003
A simple and easy to use division feeder. Inside there are special indentations for the bees to easily climb up but it is recommended to use some kind of floating material (wood etc) for avoiding the drowning of bees. In order to refill it you have to empty it of bees. The solid internal structure averts deformation when filling the feeder.
€1.09 excl tax
€1.35 incl tax

Pollen collector ANEL BIG GUY Horizontal screen spare part

SKU: AN57011
Εάν χάλασε το εξάρτημα από τους γυρεοσυλλέκτες σας ή εάν θέλετε να κατασκευάσετε τους δικούς σας γυρεοσυλλέκτες
€1.22 excl tax
€1.51 incl tax

Queen Excluder DOUBLE Injected Plastic PP ANEL with Wooden Frame and Entrance 421x506 mm

SKU: AN51412
Τα διαφράγματα βασίλισσας της ANEL είναι ελαφρύτερα από τα μεταλλικά διαφράγματα κάτι που τα καθιστά πολύ πιο εύκολα στη μεταφορά, τοποθέτηση και συλλογή στο μελισσοκομείο. • Με ακρίβεια τελειότητας στα διάκενα που είναι και το ουσιαστικότερο χαρακτηριστικό για τέτοιο προϊόν. • Με την κατάλληλη προστασία (αποφυγή έκθεσης στον ήλιο) έχουν απεριόριστη διάρκεια ζωής. • Δεν αλλάζουν τα διάκενα με τις μεταβολές της θερμοκρασίας. • Τα νεύρα είναι απόλυτα λεία χωρίς γωνίες και ΔΕΝ τραυματίζουν τις μέλισσες. • Έχουν πολύ καλύτερη μηχανική αντοχή σε σχέση με τα μεταλλικά (δεν χαλάνε από πτώση ή ρήψη). • Δεν οξειδώνονται από τη χρήση γαλακτικού ή μυρμηγκικού οξέως. • Καρφώνονται με ένα απλό καρφωτικό σε ξύλινο πλαίσιο (διατίθενται και έτοιμα σε ξύλινο πλαίσιο) • Καθαρίζονται από την πρόπολη πολύ εύκολα με ζεστό νερό ή ποτάσα • Τοποθετούνται και σε ξύλινη και σε πλαστική κυψέλη. Κατασκευασμένα από πλαστικό κατάλληλο για τρόφιμα. • Διατίθενται και με ενσωματωμένο πλαίσιο αποσυμφόρησης μαζί με δύο βασιλικά διαφράγματα ώστε να συνδυάσετε δύο βασίλισσες στην ίδια κυψέλη.
€10.50 excl tax
€13.02 incl tax

Disk Entrance Adjustable ANEL

SKU: AN5167
To install the disk, you must open a 30-40mm hole on the beehive side. The disk is installed on the hive by passing a screw through the disc center. It features 4 positions/“settings”: (i) completely closed, (ii) completely open, (iii) bee queen excluder and (iv) protection from hornets. TIP: Can be used for multiplication and merging of colonies. Making a 4 cm hole and installing two discs on a wooden sheet with same dimensions as the beehive, allows you, by changing disc “settings” to use the structure for queen separation (exclusion) and merging of colonies: first leave the discs at “completely closed” position with ventilation for 1-2 days, allowing the transfer of smell between the two colonies; then turn both discs to “queen excluder” position, thus allowing communication of the bees, while the queens keep giving birth without being able to contact/harm each other (since the discs/excluders are placed in between the two different floors created by the installation of the wood/disc structure).
€0.72 excl tax
€0.89 incl tax

Beehive Top Cover ANEL with Feeding Lid and 2 Ventilation Plugs Langstroth

A modern tool with many advantages... • Double walled with the gap filled with polyurethane foam insulation. • With 2 ventilation plugs • With feeding plug on top • Unmatched impact strength and load support. • Anti-slip surface to prevent hives from slipping during transportation. • 4 points of attachment at the front, back and the sides (adjustable or wire type). • Resistant to chemicals (caustic potash, oxalic acid, formic acid, bleach etc.). If you use ventilated bottom boards the hive has adequate ventilation even without ventilation caps. Just think of the wild hives settling on the top part of closed spaces, like tree hollows.
€13.59 excl tax
€16.85 incl tax

Magnetic Numbers (pack of 0-9x1)

SKU: AN17010/0-9
INTRODUCTORY PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME! Magnetic Numbers: Numbering your hives EASY, FAST & FLEXIBLE – Integrated powerful magnetic element
€0.40 excl tax
€0.50 incl tax

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